all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 5AA 12 2 50.167179 -5.016759
TR2 5AB 13 1 50.168996 -5.013302
TR2 5AD 8 0 50.176871 -5.005869
TR2 5AE 3 1 50.16633 -5.016229
TR2 5AG 11 5 50.159639 -5.013035
TR2 5AH 8 0 50.16033 -5.013428
TR2 5AJ 9 0 50.160597 -5.013893
TR2 5AL 17 3 50.160211 -5.012712
TR2 5AN 25 1 50.159137 -5.010889
TR2 5AP 8 0 50.158187 -5.006922
TR2 5AQ 17 0 50.159822 -5.012542
TR2 5AR 30 0 50.160441 -5.007078
TR2 5AS 2 0 50.164857 -5.002136
TR2 5AT 24 0 50.161748 -5.010437
TR2 5AU 31 0 50.162483 -5.009853
TR2 5AW 14 0 50.15762 -5.006579
TR2 5AX 11 1 50.161692 -5.012254
TR2 5AY 23 1 50.160211 -5.009696
TR2 5AZ 6 1 50.158962 -5.005487
TR2 5BA 21 0 50.159835 -5.010681